What is Internal Linking?

Internal linking is the process of adding links from one page on your website to another page. This helps search engine bots crawl and index your website more efficiently and also creates a better user experience for visitors. Internal linking is an important part of any SEO strategy as it can help your website rank higher in the search engine results pages.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of internal linking for SEO and how to use it effectively:


Internal linking is a type of SEO (search engine optimization) technique used to help website visitors easily navigate a website’s pages while also providing information to search engines. It involves adding URLs (or Uniform Resource Locators) within the content of your website to link other webpages on your site.

In SEO terms, internal linking helps increase the “link juice” you receive from each page, which is essential for better rankings in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). When constructing an internal link structure for your site, it’s important to link related pages and use keywords in the anchor text – words used in the hyperlinked text. The anchor text should be clear and concise and use descriptive phrases relevant to what’s being linked so that visitors can understand where the link will take them.

Internal linking also creates an information hierarchy of sorts, helping organize content on your website while also providing signals to search engine crawlers about the relative importance of different pages; this hierarchy can then be used by search engine algorithms to establish rankings for certain keywords.

Simply put, proper organization and implementation of internal links makes it easier for users – both human and robotic – to find what they are searching for on your website. By taking advantage of all that it offers in terms of navigation assistance and SEO benefits, you can help ensure increased visibility for your site as well as a better user experience overall.


Internal linking is a powerful SEO tactic that can help improve your website’s ranking and keep visitors on your webpages longer. Linking between pages located on the same domain name will have multiple benefits, including:

  • Improved website navigation. Internal links provide a smoother experience when navigating across your website, which can help reduce bounce rate and keep users engaged.
  • Increased opportunity for indexing. Internal links allow search engine crawlers to easily discover new content on your site and crawl more frequently, thus increasing visibility in search results.
  • Reinforce the hierarchy of content. Internally linking related pages together provides a roadmap, or hierarchy structure to visitors, making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for in terms of information or products.
  • Greater keyword relevance helps with page rankings. When you link from one page to another using relevant anchor text (words used in the link), it passes value/authority/relevance from one page to another which helps increase the rankings of higher priority pages on the search engine results page (SERP).

How to Create Internal Links

Internal links are essential for SEO purposes as these links help search engines understand the structure of your website and how your pages are related to each other. Internal links are also important for UX as these links offer your users helpful navigation options.

In this article, we will discuss how to create internal links in order to maximize the SEO value of your website.

Link to related content

creating internal links between related posts, pages and categories on your website is a great way to improve your website’s SEO. Internal links help search engine bots quickly identify relationships between pages and the topics being covered on each page. Creating a network of internal links signals to search engine bots what content is related and helps them determine how best to index the pages based on the relationship between topics.

Internal linking also encourages visitors to spend more time on your site by allowing them to find related content they may be interested in reading. This can, in turn, lead to increased engagement with your site by returning users and new visitors alike.

When you’re creating internal links, it’s important to ensure that the anchor text used for each link accurately reflects the topic being discussed in that piece of content. Adding keyword-rich anchors help search engine understand what topics are being discussed throughout your site and readers are more likely to recognize what topics are offered if the keyword phrases match their query intent. Additionally, make sure you don’t overdo it; too many links can be considered spammy by search engine algorithms so it’s important not link excessively within content or create a “link farm” of low-value anchor phrases with little relation to the topic at hand.

Use descriptive anchor text

Anchor text refers to the visible, clickable words used to link one web page to another. Anchor text should be descriptive – if you’re linking from a blog post to an e-commerce product page, use words like “product,” “buy” or “order.” This tells users and search engines what the resulting page will be about.

When creating an internal link, think about the keywords that your readers are most likely searching for and use them in your anchor text. Search engines take into consideration the words used in anchor text when deciding how a page will rank, so carefully consider keyword placement and use descriptive and relevant language when creating links.

Not only is it important to be descriptive when constructing your internal links but you should also aim for lengthier phrases rather than single words which can come off as less natural. Additionally, avoid using generic words like “click here” or “learn more” because they are not as helpful in terms of SEO rankings. Incorporating anchor text into your website can play an essential role in improving user experience as well as aiding search rankings for searchers with related interests and topics.

Link to relevant pages

Creating internal links is key to making sure visitors can navigate their way around your website, as well as giving search engine bots the opportunity to crawl and index all your important pages. An internal link, also known as an inbound link, is a hyperlink that points to a page within the same website or domain. When used properly, they are an effective way of improving your website’s navigation and usability while boosting your SEO.

Here are some tips for properly creating and using internal links:

  • Link to relevant pages: Internal links should be relevant to the topic of the current page. You don’t want to be linking out with no relation, as this could confuse visitors or have them clicking away from your site.
  • Don’t overload with internal links: Over using internal links can make your content look spammy and labyrinthine-like which does not make for a good user experience. Use common sense when linking internally and give users some breathing room within content instead of cluttering it with distractions.
  • Make sure you use good anchor text: Anchor text is important since it helps users understand where they’re going before they click on the link – so always consider what would best explain where you’re directing them before you link out.
  • Help search engines find your pages with sitemaps: Using XML sitemaps will allow you to accurately show the structure of your website which in turn helps search engine bots fully index all of your websites important pages faster – ensuring more of them appear in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Best Practices for Internal Linking

Internal linking is an important SEO strategy. It helps search engines crawl your website more efficiently, improving your rankings, as well as boosting your site’s overall user experience. Additionally, internal link structure can help spread link equity and link juice around your website, allowing you to share page authority from popular or well-linked pages to other pages on your site.

The following section will cover best practices for effective internal linking.

Use a hierarchy

Using a hierarchy when organizing internal links is one of the best strategies for optimizing your site for search engine crawlers. This strategy ensures that your content is easy to navigate, increases the chances of relevancy for search queries and improves user experience.

Organizing internal links by using a hierarchy system is simple. Start by assigning each page in your site a category. Then create appropriate categories and subcategories on the page, such as menus or sidebars, that focus on specific topics or themes to make it easier for users to find information related to the topic or theme.

For example, you can create an “About” sidebar that includes “Philosophy” and “History” submenus; these submenus will have pages dedicated to each topic inside them. Then you can further add subsections in each of those pages as needed, forming a link tree leading viewers towards the information they are looking for quickly and easily.

You should also include an anchor text descriptor with any link you create; this helps search engine crawlers understand what type of content can be found when users click on the link. Additionally, having descriptive anchor text helps users know what they should expect when they click through the link quickly and easily without having to guess or figure out where they are being directed. Overall, using a hierarchical system will ensure more effective SEO performance as well as improved user experience on your website by making navigation simpler and quicker.

Avoid over-linking

When it comes to internal linking, it is important to ensure that you do not overwhelm your website visitors with too many link options. Too many links can be distracting and may lead to a weaker user experience. Consider using no more than three or four contextual links within the body of an article or page, depending on the length. Additionally, it is important to make sure that each link provides added value to the user. It does not make sense for a webmaster to link from certain key phrases if there is no relevant content to support those key phrases. In such cases, avoid linking from irrelevant keywords altogether.

It is also important for webmasters and SEOs alike to pay attention to which pages are being linked from within their website’s content. Try focusing your efforts on creating quality backlinks instead of relying heavily on random internal links as this could be detrimental in terms of SEO performance and search engine rankings. Furthermore, excessive linking can create large amounts of duplicate content which can lead to diminished search engine visibility in organic searches since Google favors original content over copied or duplicated content.

Finally, when utilizing internal links, make sure they are ending at pages that provide true value rather than ending on a dead-end page or 404 error page. These issues must be addressed promptly as they can cause users high levels of frustration when attempting to navigate through a website’s pages only to arrive at areas that are not functioning properly.

Use nofollow links

When building internal links, it is important to understand the use of nofollow links in your content. Nofollow links are HTML tags that tell search engines not to crawl or follow a link. They have been created for webmasters who wish to link out to other websites without passing PageRank (inbound link) from their own website.

It is also important to bear in mind that when creating content that includes outbound links, Google looks at them as “advertising” or “promotion” and may assign a lower ranking than content without external links pointing away from the page. This means that it is not just your internal linking structure but also who and what you choose to link out to that can impact your search rankings. This can be remedied by using nofollow links when linking externally so if you do wish to link out and still maintain good PageRank then this should be done with nofollow tags attached.

It has been shown that pages with higher numbers of nofollowed external links rank better in the SERPs than those without – again another benefit of correct implementation of internal and external linking practices along with nofollow tags where required.

Analyzing Your Internal Linking Structure

Internal linking is an important part of your site’s SEO strategy. It allows search engines to easily navigate through your website and increases the chances of higher ranking on search engines. By understanding your internal linking structure, you can optimize your website for better performance on search engines.

This article will discuss best practices when it comes to analyzing your internal linking structure:

Use GSC and other tools

Using Google Search Console (GSC) and other tools can help you identify your internal link structure, where a given page ranks in each category, and how these links are performing. By analyzing the current state of your internal link structure, you can establish a basis for future optimization.

GSC, combined with other web analytics tools like Ahrefs or Majestic SEO, allows you to gain insight into the types of anchor texts used to link to a specific page. This can be useful in understanding the phrases associated with certain pages and identifying potential optimization opportunities. Additionally, they provide metrics such as domain rank, referring domains and backlink-related metrics that can help you gauge the influence and importance of your internal links.

By using various tools to review your internal linking structure on an ongoing basis, you’ll be able to identify trends over time. For example, reviewing the evolution of link count over time will give insights into the evolution of topical relevance within your content strategy as well as provide insights into how categories are being connected on a daily basis. Additionally, checking for “overlapping” or recycled links will inform any “re-linkability” optimization opportunities that may exist so as not to dilute important pages from indexation by too many blue arrow/canonical links pointing at them from multiple sources.

To effectively optimize for internal linking best practices, it is essential to gain an understanding of your current structure before making any engineering optimizations or investments in third-party services such as ranking tracking applications or external link cleaners.

Monitor the number of internal links

Maintaining an ideal number of internal links is important to ensure that your website remains in good standings with search engine bots. It can be difficult to monitor and adjust the number of links your webpages contain, as too many may adversely affect your SEO performance. Furthermore, having too few can impede search engine crawlers from properly indexing your website or result in a lower page ranking for specific pages.

To be sure that you are not overloading any page with internal links, consider the following guidelines when analyzing and adjusting the linking structure of a webpage:

  • Consider each page’s PageRank score when deciding how many internal links should point to it.
  • Examine the total number of internal links on each page, as too many can have adverse effects on both crawling and ranking.
  • Analyze link positions within the HTML code and assess whether it is worthwhile moving them higher in order for search engines to find them more easily.
  • Ensure there is a balance between outbound external links and internal ones so that Google doesn’t view them as backlinks created solely for SEO purposes.
  • Look out for any broken or dead intra-site links; they should be amended or removed if they provide no value to users.

Monitor link quality

Internal links should be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that link quality remains high. Depending on the size of your website, this task can be time consuming and tedious. However, it’s worth the effort if it helps rank your pages higher in search engines.

When assessing link quality, evaluate each page’s relevance to both its own topic as well as all other pages in the website’s hierarchy. Link anchor text should also be assessed to ensure they accurately reflect their associated page themes. Internal links should direct users to relevant and useful pages – not necessarily those that generate the most traffic or sales.

Furthermore, it is important to check existing internal links occasionally for broken links (links pointing at 404 errors pages). Broken external links must also be stricken off any internal linking strategies as they could harm crawler efficiency and reduce rankings of internal pages linked through them. Additionally, any inactive website elements such as content anchors or navigation menus must be kept up-to-date so visitors can find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

Finally, you should watch out for inbound links related to irrelevant topics or those which do not provide real value from an SEO standpoint – this could result in decreased usability and poor rankings from search engines. Knowing how link equity flows through your internal linking structure is crucial for crafting successful SEO campaigns that’ll drive more organic traffic to your website over time.


Internal linking is an essential part of any website’s SEO strategy. By creating internal links, you can help direct users to the most relevant pages and make sure search engine crawlers can easily discover the pages they need to index. Furthermore, it can lead to an improved user experience and increased time on site.

In this article, we have explored the importance of internal linking for SEO and why you should be making use of it.


Internal linking is a powerful SEO tool that helps to optimize your website for search engine rankings. It can help improve the overall user experience which can ultimately lead to more organic website traffic. Utilising internal links to navigate users around your site as well as suggesting related pages, encourages longer user sessions and enhanced UX.

Internal linking also helps search engine crawlers better understand the structure of your site. By using anchor text that accurately reflects the contents of a linked page, you’re providing the crawler with greater understanding and context for the contents of those pages. Internal linking assists with indexing and ranking of services or products further down in your sites hierarchy which allows them to be found more easily.

Furthermore, by strategically placing internal links on relevant blog posts or articles, you can direct existing users towards other valuable content from within your web pages, helping improve overall engagement and keep them interacting longer on your site.

Overall, it’s clear that utilising internal linking for SEO has numerous benefits—including boosting page rank, improving crawling and indexing performance, increasing user engagement rates and ultimately capturing more organic search traffic from both current visitors and potential customers alike. If implemented correctly into any website structure, it can be an incredibly effective way not only to boost traffic but also enhance both user experience and profitability in a lucrative way.

Final Thoughts

Internal linking is a critical part of any website, both for navigating the user experience and providing search engines with clues to all the content you have to offer. It’s important to ensure that internal links are well-optimized for on-site optimization and link building, even when it comes to website pages that don’t reach the surface of your website structure.

The best way to ensure that a variety of pages are receiving internal linking attention is through a comprehensive internal link strategy. Consider mapping out current pages within your website and look for opportunities to place relevant cross links (where appropriate) or consider adding new content pieces that naturally—and strategically—flow with other pages. You can also look at top navigation labels or create silos which help cluster related topics and information together in nice neat packages. Additionally, you will want to ensure your images have been tagged for accurate crawling, as this can be another powerful opportunity for linking topics together by using image captions.

Finally, balancing anchor text is an important component when reviewing existing link profiles. Make sure you’re incorporating keywords into some anchor text but also keeping them natural and not over-optimizing them in any particular section be it category listing or informational page flushing. Doing these things correctly will create an organized hierarchy which will make it easy for search engine spiders (and site visitors) to access pertinent information quickly and accurately, leading to better SEO rankings over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is internal linking for SEO?

A: Internal linking for SEO is the practice of linking to other pages within your website to help search engine bots better understand the structure of your website and improve the overall SEO rankings of your website.

Q: How is internal linking beneficial for SEO?

A: Internal linking helps search engine bots better understand the structure of your website, and it can also help with website navigation. Internal linking also helps to spread link equity throughout your website, which can boost overall SEO rankings.

Q: How often should I link internally within my website?

A: It is generally recommended to link internally within your website as often as possible, as it can help search engines better understand the structure of your website and help improve SEO rankings.

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